Google has crossed out an all-staff meeting to examine a disputable notice about decent variety composed by previous specialist James Damore.
It is accounted for that some staff individuals were worried about being singled out on the web on the off chance that they were recognized while they stood up amid the meeting.
The firm said it would "locate a superior route" to enable workers to examine the issues raised by the update.
Mr Damore was terminated for breaking Google's set of accepted rules.
He had recommended in his inside note that there were less ladies in tech and authority positions due to organic contrasts.
As per Google's latest decent variety figures, 80% of its tech workforce and 75% of its pioneers are men.
"We have to quit accepting that sexual orientation crevices suggest sexism," Mr Damore wrote in his note, which was broadly scrutinized.
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Mr Damore said he had been sent messages of help from some staff at the tech mammoth and he likewise got a vocation offer from Wikileaks author Julian Assange, who tweeted "control is for failures".
Google's new VP Danielle Brown said that Mr Damore's view "progressed erroneous presumptions about sexual orientation".
"We are unequivocal in our conviction that assorted variety and incorporation are basic to our prosperity as an organization, and we'll keep on standing for that and be focused on it for the whole deal," she wrote in an announcement distributed by Motherboard.
Examination: Zoe Kleinman, innovation journalist
The continuous absence of decent variety in the whole tech part is an issue that has grown a much greater head of steam as of late, with a constant flow of stories about huge firms and huge names being considered answerable.
Ladies who work in the business are progressively standing up about their encounters in this male-overwhelmed space, and to challenge the insights which show that they remain a minority, notwithstanding prominent crusades and activities went for changing the adjust.
James Damore's recommendation that it is on the grounds that they are naturally less suited to it has caused extensive outrage, especially among the individuals who have fashioned fruitful Stem (science, innovation, building and maths) vocations.
Google has been evident that Mr Damore did not talk for its sake but rather it has additionally confronted feedback for terminating him, with commentators proposing that the activity conflicted with the association's standard of free discourse.
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